How to earn money on Facebook? (7 Methods of Income)

Facebook Income Rules – We have many good methods to earn online at home. Among them, blog income and YouTube income online are the most profitable and quick ways to get success, I have already said. But, you will be happy to know that “You can earn online even by opening a Facebook account”. Means, it is now possible to earn money through Facebook. And, so "How to earn money on Facebook", I will tell you 7 ways or rules of income. (How to make money from Facebook?) As we all know, Facebook is the largest social media website in the world. This social media site has 2.2 billion registered active users per month. And this number is increasing. And, on this Facebook, we create accounts and waste time day after day, chatting and seeing others' status. But, if you want, you can take advantage of this world's most famous social media website as a way to make money. But, to be honest, earning money from Facebook is not that easy. And, you can't earn online easily w...